We have...

Exceeded revenue goals by over 20% through cultivating relationships with more than 15 sponsors simultaneously, totaling over $1 million in cash, in-kind, payroll deduction, and cause-marketing funds.

Reduced expenses by over $30,000 by reviewing budgets to find efficiencies, without compromising the quality of the marketing team’s work.

Increased stagnant, in-kind account by over 500%, saving the organization over $160,000 in expenses.

Coached and prepared staff for more than 100 successful marketing pitches.

Maximized cross-selling and new client acquisition, by creating a business plan that focused on company-wide goals, in order to remove silos between departments and encourage collaboration.

Served as primary internal liaison facilitating communication and training among 15 practice groups, 8 client teams, and 2 industry teams.

Received national recognition for implementing district-wide program for new client acquisition.

Strengthened brand image and community engagement by developing hundreds of effective social media, newsletter, and PR materials for nonprofit and sponsor use.

Presented research findings at academic conferences on engaging volunteers using Facebook, harnessing employee motivations to attract and retain the right staff, and the influence of watchdog organizations on brand strategy.

Saved organization hundreds of thousands of dollars by performing a competitive analysis, determining that existing infrastructure could manage a remote location without physically relocating.

Restructured the marketing and client center to align with the organization's strategic objectives.

We're confident we can help you. 

Want to learn more? Contact us at info@ckSYNERGY.com.