Facebook Posts, A Balancing Act (Volunteer Edition)

My last blog focused on fortifying and preparing your staff for utilizing social media to recruit, recognize, and retain volunteers. The next step is to consider post frequency: how many times each week should your organization be posting? You want to make certain that your community can feel your presence without inundating them with your posts. The Cause Marketing Forum recommends posting between two to five times each week, depending on your audience. How many posts should you devote to each content-type (mission, sponsorship, volunteer, etc.)? To keep your Facebook community excited and engaged, be careful not to focus too heavily on asks and make sure that your content always ties back to your mission (no matter the content-type). A portion of your posts should be devoted to your volunteers, and the exact number will vary by organization. Consider having dialogue with your current volunteers and staff to determine what makes the most sense for you. Then, schedule your posts for a month and begin drafting the content. Try it, measure your success, and make adjustments accordingly until you find the right frequency. Remember: measurement is key, so don’t skip this step.

Wondering what content is best for posts appealing to your volunteers? Check back for more on #volunteersinsocialmedia.

Amanda, ckSYNERGY